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Use diagonals as parameters in grid DP problems

Short description

If the problem is about paths in a grid and you've came up with non optimal dp solution, try to use the number of diagonals in dp as parameter.


Dynamical programming.

Long description

The idea is to use the number of processed diagonals as a parameter. For example for diagonal \(d=3\) we will consider cells \((3,1)\), \((2,2)\), \((1,3)\). It can be also represented as the number of moves made to reach the diagonal. When we maintain the diagonal \(d\) and the column \(i\), we can express the row as \(j=d-i+1\) and do the transitions as usual. This trick mainly helps when you need to process more than one path which depend on the number of moves.

Example 1

You are given a grid \(A\) of size \(n\times n\), and a number \(A_{i,j}\) in each cell. Find two paths starting at \((1,1)\), end at \((n,n)\) such that sum of unions of these paths must is maximal.


Let \(ans[d][i_1][i_2]\) be the answer to the problem if we are on the \(d\)-th diagonal, first path ends in column \(i_1\) and the second path ends in column \(i_2\). The answer to the problem is \(ans[2n-1][n][n]\). Since we can get the rows for both paths the transitions are obvious. Using this trick we get rid of maintaining \(j_1,j_2\) and have a solution in \(O(n^3)\) instead of \(O(n^4)\).

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