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Permutations can be represented as graphs

Short description

If the problem is about permutations, try to think about them as graphs.


No specific knowledge.

General description

Consider a permutation \(p_1,p_2,\dots, p_n\). Let's construct an undirected graph where exist an edge between \(i\) \(\leftrightarrow\) \(p_i\). In such construction this graph will contain only cycles (isolated vertex-loop, forward-backward edges or usual cycles). For example \([2,4,5,1,3]\) will split into \((2 4 1)(5 3)\). In problems, it may be efficient to consider each cycle independently.

Example 1

Given a permutation \(a\). You can choose any two indexes \(i,j\) and swap \(a_i,a_j\). What is the minimal number of swaps to make the permutation sorted?


Let's consider a cycle of the permutation. Suppose it's length is \(m\). We can make all the elements from the cycle to be on their places in \(m-1\) operations. That's because if \(m-1\) elements will be on their place, the \(m\)-th will also be on its place.

So the answer to the problem is the sum of cycle lengths minus the number of cycles. If the number of cycles is \(c\) than the answer is \(n-c\).

Example 2

You need to process two types of queries:

  • swap \(p_x,p_y\).
  • find the value of \(i\) if you assign \(i=p_i\) \(k\) times.


Let \(S\approx \sqrt{n}\). For each \(i\) we can calculate the position of \(i\) after applying \(S\) times \(i=p_i\). (Very similar to the technique using in tree jumping). Now, we can answer the second query in \(O(\frac{k}{S}+S)\) jumping \(\frac{k}{S}\) times with the step of length \(S\), what is precalculated, and the remainder jumps with step of length \(1\).

To perform updates, you should notice that only \(2 \cdot S\) values will change (\(S\) jumps forward and \(S\) jumps back).

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