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Welcome to CP-tricki! This is a collection of small tricks for competitive programming inspired by Tricki. You can browse (and, we hope, enjoy) available (currently only few) pages on the navbar.



To contribute, you can:

  • Create a pull request from fork (can be fully done via GitHub's web interface)
  • Or, open an issue with proposed changes

Article formatting

Article titles

When creating a new Markdown file, specify article title via

title: Your title
Another option is to use # Your title, but we do not recommend it.


To insert code, use

``` c++
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
This will render as
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
Specifying programming language after backticks enables code highlighting.

Text and subheadings

To break text on the page into paragraphs, simply leave a blank line between two bodies of text. To insert subheadings, put ## HTML h2 heading, ### HTML h3 heading, #### HTML h4 heading etc. on separate line. Using # HTML h1 heading is not recommended.


To add math, use \( n^2 = -1 \) inline. This will render as \( n^2 = -1 \). To put a formula in a separate block, use

blank line
\int e^x dx = e^x + C
blank line
This will result in

\[ \int e^x dx = e^x + C \]

Note: GitHub's preview can display brackets incorrectly.